Q&A about the site for expert genealogists and people interested in genealogy or family history
SELECT P1.Id AS QuestionId, P1.AcceptedAnswerId, P1.Body AS QuestionBody, P1.Title AS QuestionTitle, P1.Tags AS QuestionTags, P1.PostTypeId AS QuestionPostTypeId, P1.OwnerUserId AS QuestionOwnerUserId, P1.Score AS QuestionScore, P2.Id AS AnswerId, P2.Body AS AnswerBody, P2.Title AS AnswerTitle, P2.Tags AS AnswerTags, P2.PostTypeId AS AnswerPostTypeId, P2.OwnerUserId AS AnswerOwnerUserId, P2.Score AS AnswerScore, U.Id AS UserId, U.Reputation, U.UpVotes, U.DownVotes, U.Views FROM (SELECT TOP 1000000 * FROM Posts WHERE AcceptedAnswerId IS NOT NULL AND AcceptedAnswerId <> '' ORDER BY Score DESC) AS P1 INNER JOIN Posts AS P2 ON P1.AcceptedAnswerId = P2.Id INNER JOIN Users AS U ON P2.OwnerUserId = U.Id;