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Genealogy and Family History Meta

Q&A about the site for expert genealogists and people interested in genealogy or family history

select COUNT(*), MAX(a.CreationDate) as LastOccurance, q.OwnerUserId as [User Link], qu.Reputation as AskerReputation, au.DisplayName, a.OwnerUserId as [User Link], au.Upvotes, au.Reputation as AnswererReputation, apc.AnswererPosts, qpc.QuestionerPosts, (cast(COUNT(*) as decimal)/cast(qpc.QuestionerPosts as decimal)) as PercentSuspicious
from Posts q
inner join Posts a on q.AcceptedAnswerId=a.Id
inner join Users qu on qu.Id = q.OwnerUserId
inner join Users au on au.Id = a.OwnerUserid
inner join (select COUNT(*) as AnswererPosts, OwnerUserId from Posts GROUP BY OwnerUserId) apc on apc.OwnerUserId=au.Id
inner join (select COUNT(*) as QuestionerPosts, OwnerUserId from Posts GROUP BY OwnerUserId) qpc on qpc.OwnerUserId=qu.Id
where qu.Id != au.Id
and au.Reputation>15
group by au.DisplayName, au.Upvotes, q.OwnerUserId, a.OwnerUserId, au.Reputation, qu.Reputation, apc.AnswererPosts, qpc.QuestionerPosts
having COUNT(*)>2 
and au.Reputation<=5000
and MAX(a.CreationDate) >= Dateadd(Month, Datediff(Month, 0, DATEADD(m, -1, current_timestamp)), 0)
order by LastOccurance desc

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