Q&A about the site for professors, theologians, and those interested in exegetical analysis of biblical texts
SELECT TOP(##num?100##) s.Id AS [Suggested Edit Link], concat( 'site://tags/', t.tagname, '/info|', t.tagname, ' ', case when p.posttypeid = 4 then 'excerpt' else 'wiki' end ) [Tag Link], s.OwnerUserId AS [User Link], s.CreationDate FROM SuggestedEdits s JOIN posts p ON s.PostId=p.Id INNER JOIN tags t ON (t.wikipostid = p.id or t.excerptpostid = p.id) WHERE (s.ApprovalDate IS NULL) AND (s.RejectionDate IS NULL) AND (p.PostTypeId IN (3,4,5)) ORDER BY s.CreationDate DESC