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Biblical Hermeneutics Meta

Q&A about the site for professors, theologians, and those interested in exegetical analysis of biblical texts

select TOP(##num?100##) AS [User Link], reputation, location, SUM(p.Score) AS [Total Score in tag]
from users u inner join posts p ON p.OwnerUserId=u.Id
inner join Posts q ON q.Id=COALESCE(p.ParentId,p.Id)
inner join PostTags pt ON q.Id=pt.PostId
inner join Tags t ON = pt.TagId
where location is not null
and reputation > 1
and p.PostTypeId IN (##types?1,2##)
and t.TagName=##tagName:string?set-theory##
group by u.Id, u.reputation, u.location
order by SUM(p.Score) DESC

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