Q&A about the site for Muslims, experts in Islam, and those interested in learning more about Islam
SELECT TOP 1000 x.Id AS QuestionId, y.Id AS AnswerId, x.AcceptedAnswerId, x.ViewCount, x.Title, x.AnswerCount, x.Tags, x.Score, x.Body, x.OwnerUserId, Reputation, x.CreationDate AS QuestionDate, y.CreationDate AS AnswerDate, x.FavoriteCount, DATEDIFF(DAY, x.CreationDate, y.CreationDate) AS FirstAnswerInterval, DATEDIFF(DAY, x.CreationDate, z.CreationDate) AS AcceptedAnswerInterval -- New column for accepted answer interval FROM ( SELECT Posts.Id, ViewCount, Title, AnswerCount, AcceptedAnswerId, FavoriteCount, Tags, Score, Body, OwnerUserId, Reputation, Posts.CreationDate FROM Posts, Users WHERE PostTypeId = 1 AND OwnerUserId = Users.Id AND AcceptedAnswerId IS NOT NULL AND AnswerCount > 0 AND Score > 10 AND YEAR(Posts.CreationDate) = 2018 AND Tags LIKE '%<python>%' ) x LEFT JOIN ( SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY ParentId ORDER BY CreationDate) AS RowNo FROM Posts WHERE PostTypeId = 2 ) y ON x.Id = y.ParentId AND y.RowNo = 1 LEFT JOIN Posts z -- Joining for accepted answer interval calculation ON x.AcceptedAnswerId = z.Id WHERE y.Id IS NOT NULL ORDER BY AnswerCount DESC;