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Islam Meta

Q&A about the site for Muslims, experts in Islam, and those interested in learning more about Islam

FROM Posts
WHERE PostTypeId = 1
  AND AcceptedAnswerId IS NOT NULL
  AND score > 0
  AND ((tags LIKE '%<iot>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<lwm2m>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<watson-iot>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<kura>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<coap>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<lorawan>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<cooja>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<onem2m>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<google-cloud-iot>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<thingworx>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<aws-iot>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<lora>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<kaa>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<windows-10-iot-core>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<azure-iot-hub>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<greengrass>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<contiki>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<azure-iot-central>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<intel-edison>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<intel-galileo>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<aws-iot-core>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<thingsboard>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<windowsiot>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<azure-iot-edge>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<mqtt>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<windows-iot-core-10>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<hivemq>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<android-things>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<esp8266>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<ifttt>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<paho>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<m2m>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<mosquitto>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<azure-iot-sdk>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<nodemcu>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<broker>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<fiware>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<raspberry-pi2>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<arduino-esp8266>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<node-red>%') OR (tags LIKE '%<cumulocity>%'))

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