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Islam Meta

Q&A about the site for Muslims, experts in Islam, and those interested in learning more about Islam

-- Show types
-- Show all values in known tables that map a type id to a type name.

--SELECT year(creationdate),count(*) from posts group by year(creationdate);

select as QID, q.AcceptedAnswerId as QAnswerID, q.CreationDate as QCreationDate, q.score as QScore,
q.ViewCount as QViewCount, q.Body as Question, q.Tags, q.AnswerCount as QAnswerCount,q.FavoriteCount as QFavCount, q.ClosedDate as QClosedDate,
a.Body as Answer, a.CreationDate as ACreationDate, a.score as AScore, a.ViewCount as AViewCount, a.FavoriteCount as AFavCount
from posts q
join posts a on = a.parentid and a.posttypeid=2
where q.posttypeid= 1
and q.creationdate between '01/01/2020 00:00:00' and '1/3/2020 23:59:59'

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