Weighted Activity Gauge for Scifi


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Islam Meta

Q&A about the site for Muslims, experts in Islam, and those interested in learning more about Islam

  pt.Name as [PostType], 
  p.Id as [Post Link],
  3 - p.PostTypeId + 
  -- Comment out the case if answers should have weight 1, 
  -- regardless of if they are the accepted answer.
      WHEN p2.AcceptedAnswerId = p.Id 
      THEN 2
      ELSE 0
    END AS Weight
FROM Posts p
JOIN PostTypes pt
ON p.PostTypeId = pt.Id
JOIN PostTags ptag
ON p.Id = ptag.PostId
JOIN Tags t
ON t.Id = ptag.TagId
LEFT JOIN Posts p2
ON p.ParentId = p2.Id
WHERE t.TagName like '%comic%' AND
  p.OwnerUserId = (SELECT TOP 1 Id FROM Users WHERE DisplayName = ##DisplayName:string##) and
  p.CreationDate BETWEEN 
  convert(Date, ##StartDate:string##) and convert(Date, ##EndDate:string##)

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