Cliff questions are questions on the cliff of being deleted by the automatic cleanup. See for more information on this cleanup. Often, it will take just one or two downvotes to push it over the cliff into deletion. Frankly, there's a lot of crap just sitting on the edge that isn't helping anyone, but got an upvote somewhere along the way.
Q&A about the site for students, teachers, and linguists wanting to discuss the finer points of the Italian language
with T as ( select as [Post Link], q.closedDate, q.score as "qScore", answers.scores as "aScores", case ph.Comment when 1 then 'Dup' when 2 then 'Off Topic' when 3 then 'Subjective' when 4 then 'NARQ' when 7 then 'TL' else ph.Comment end as "Close Reason", q.viewCount as "Views", answers.blen as "Answer length" from Posts q join ( select a.parentId as pid, sum(a.score) as scores, sum(len(a.body)) as blen from Posts a where a.PostTypeId = 2 and a.score > 0 group by a.parentId having sum(a.score) <= ##PositiveAnswerScore:int?2## and sum(len(a.body)) <= ##AnswerLen:int?1000## ) answers on ( = join PostHistory ph on (ph.postid = where q.closedDate is not null and q.closedDate >= CONVERT (datetime, ##StartDate:string?2014.01.01## , 102) and q.closedDate <= CONVERT (datetime, ##EndDate:string?2014.01.31## , 102) and q.PostTypeId = 1 and not exists ( select 1 from PostHistory ph where ph.PostId = and ph.PostHistoryTypeId = 14 ) and ph.PostHistoryTypeId = 10 and q.score <= ##QScore:int?2## and q.score + answers.scores <= ##SumScore:int?2## and ph.Comment not in (1, 101) --- No dups and q.AcceptedAnswerId is null ) Select TOP(##RowsReturned:int?100##) * from T order by T.qScore + T.aScores