Q&A about the site for students, teachers, and linguists wanting to discuss the finer points of the Italian language
select 'site://admin/show-user-votes/' + CAST(id AS nvarchar) + '|' + DisplayName [User], Reputation Rep, UpVotes Up, -- DownVotes Down, substring(convert(nvarchar(10), CreationDate, 11), 4, 5) Created, -- case when WebsiteUrl is null or len(WebsiteUrl) = 0 then '' -- else len(WebsiteUrl) end Url, Location, -- number of real chars in AboutMe case when AboutMe is null or len(AboutMe) = 0 then '' else len(replace(replace(replace(AboutMe, '<p>', ''), '</p>', ''), ' ', '')) end Bio, -- Views, case when ProfileImageUrl is null or len(ProfileImageUrl) = 0 then '' when ProfileImageUrl like '%i.stack.imgur.com%' then 'i.stack' when ProfileImageUrl like '%googleusercontent%' then 'google' when ProfileImageUrl like '%www.gravatar.com%' then 'gravatar' when ProfileImageUrl like '%.facebook.com%' then 'facebook' else ProfileImageUrl end Img from users where reputation < 250 and creationDate > dateadd(day, (-7 * ##weeks:int?2##) - datepart(weekday, getdate()), getdate()) and upvotes > (##weeks## * 9) order by cast(upvotes as decimal)/reputation desc, reputation desc, creationdate desc;