March 14 - Apr 30, 2023 - all questions, their complexity


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Italian Language Meta

Q&A about the site for students, teachers, and linguists wanting to discuss the finer points of the Italian language

    q.Id AS QuestionID,
    q.Score AS NetScore,
    LEN(q.Body) AS BodyLength,  -- Approximate measure of word count
    (LEN(q.Body) - LEN(REPLACE(q.Body, CHAR(10), '')) + 1) AS LineCount,  -- Line count based on newline characters
    (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Posts AS p WHERE p.ParentId = q.Id) AS CodeBlockCount,
    (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Comments AS c WHERE c.PostId = q.Id) AS CommentCount,
    (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PostHistory WHERE PostHistory.PostId = q.Id AND PostHistory.PostHistoryTypeId = 5) AS EditCount,
    (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Tags AS t 
     JOIN PostTags AS pt ON pt.TagId = t.Id 
     WHERE pt.PostId = q.Id AND t.TagName IN ('algorithm', 'data-structures', 'optimization')) AS TechnicalTagCount,  -- Detect advanced tags
    (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Votes AS v WHERE v.PostId = q.Id AND v.VoteTypeId = 2) AS Upvotes,
    (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Votes AS v WHERE v.PostId = q.Id AND v.VoteTypeId = 3) AS Downvotes
    Posts AS q
    q.PostTypeId = 1  -- Only questions
    AND q.CreationDate BETWEEN '2023-03-14' AND '2023-03-21'

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