select top (5) * from posts;


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Italian Language Meta

Q&A about the site for students, teachers, and linguists wanting to discuss the finer points of the Italian language

--select count(*) from posts;
select top (5) * from posts;

--section 1- 1.	Display all posts from 2018 whose title starts with the words
--“How can I”.

--select * from posts
--where CreationDate between '2018/01/01' and '2018/12/31'
--and Title like 'How can I%';

--section 2- 2.	Display the number of posts associated with each OwnerDisplayName.

--select OwnerDisplayName,count(*) from posts
--group by OwnerDisplayName;

--section 3- 3.	Find which posts types received average score greater than 1.


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