Q&A about the site for students, teachers, and linguists wanting to discuss the finer points of the Italian language
-- postid: Post Id "Copy it from the url" select rtt.Name as [Review Type], 'site://review/' + case when rt.reviewtasktypeid = 1 then 'suggested-edits' when rt.reviewtasktypeid = 2 then 'close' when rt.reviewtasktypeid = 3 then 'low-quality-posts' when rt.reviewtasktypeid = 4 then 'first-posts' when rt.reviewtasktypeid = 5 then 'late-answers' when rt.reviewtasktypeid = 6 then 'reopen' when rt.reviewtasktypeid = 8 then 'links' end + '/' + CAST(rt.id as nvarchar) + '| ' + result.name as Action , postid as [Post Link] , rt.CreationDate from reviewtasks rt inner join reviewTaskResults rr on rt.id = rr.reviewTaskid inner join ReviewTaskResultTypes result on result.id = rr.ReviewTaskResultTypeId inner join reviewtasktypes rtt on rt.reviewtasktypeid = rtt.id where postid = ##postid:int## -- 24140985 -- 19346006 --> audit -- 23728068 close votes -- 470468 links