Returns questions that are old (+6 months), have low views and score, have no upvoted or accept answer and where the user hasn't been active in the last 6 months. Modified from the query build out of this conversation
Q&A about the site for students, teachers, and linguists wanting to discuss the finer points of the Italian language
-- Potentially abandoned questions with inactive owners -- Returns questions that are old (+6 months), have low views and score, -- have no upvoted or accept answer and where the user hasn't been active -- in the last 6 months. -- -- Modified from the query build out of this conversation -- SELECT TOP 1000 p.Id AS [Post Link], p.Score, p.ViewCount AS Views, CAST( 1.0 * p.ViewCount / DateDiff(day,p.CreationDate,getdate()) AS DEC(5,3)) AS ViewsPerDay, p.AnswerCount AS Answers, CASE WHEN p.ClosedDate IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE 'Y' END AS Closed, DateDiff(month,p.LastActivityDate,getdate()) AS MnthsQstAct, DateDiff(month,u.LastAccessDate ,getdate()) AS MnthsUsrAct, u.Id AS [User Link] FROM Posts p LEFT JOIN Users u on p.OwnerUserId = u.Id WHERE p.PostTypeId = 1 AND p.ViewCount < 0.5 * DateDiff(day,p.CreationDate,getdate()) AND p.Score < 4 AND p.AcceptedAnswerId IS NULL AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT a.Id FROM Posts a WHERE a.Score > 0 AND a.ParentId = p.Id) AND p.LastActivityDate < dateadd(month,-6,getdate()) AND u.LastAccessDate < dateadd(month,-6,getdate()) ORDER BY p.AnswerCount, p.Score, ViewsPerDay