Query to find the fastest users to reach 20K
Q&A about the site for students, teachers, and linguists wanting to discuss the finer points of the Italian language
-- Fastest to 20k -- Query to find the fastest users to reach 20K if object_id('tempdb..#t') is not null drop table #t ; create table #t ( owneruserid int, rn int, creationdate datetime, bounty int, immune int, votes_capped int, total as isnull(immune,0) + isnull(votes_capped,0), primary key clustered(owneruserid, rn)) ; insert #t select owneruserid, rn=row_number() over (partition by owneruserid order by creationdate), creationdate, sum(bounty) bounty, sum(coalesce(accepted+bounty,accepted,bounty)) immune, (select min(a) from ( select sum(rep) a union all select 200) x) as votes_capped from ( select p.owneruserid, v.creationdate, case votetypeid when 1 then 15 end accepted, case votetypeid when 8 then -bountyamount when 9 then bountyamount end bounty, case votetypeid when 2 then 10 when 3 then -2 else 0 end rep from votes v inner join posts p on p.id = v.postid inner join users u on u.id = p.owneruserid where v.votetypeid in (1,2,3,8,9) and p.communityowneddate is null and u.reputation >= 20000 -- quick pre-filter --and u.id = 22656 -- to check just Jon Skeet union all select p2.owneruserid, v.creationdate, null, null, 2 from votes v inner join posts p1 on p1.id = v.postid and v.votetypeid = 1 -- question accepted by asker inner join posts p2 on p2.id = p1.parentid inner join users u on u.id = p2.owneruserid where p2.communityowneddate is null and u.reputation >= 20000 -- quick pre-filter --and u.id = 22656 -- to check just Jon Skeet ) j group by owneruserid, creationdate ; -- incidentally the below also shows the highest one day score, ever --select top 25 owneruserid as [User Link], * --from #t order by 7 desc -- to check temp table data. with cte as ( select *, first_date = creationdate, running_total = isnull(total,0), bounty_included = isnull(bounty,0) from #t where rn=1 union all select t.*, cte.first_date, cte.running_total + isnull(t.total,0), cte.bounty_included + isnull(t.bounty,0) from cte join #t t on t.rn = cte.rn+1 and t.owneruserid = cte.owneruserid where cte.running_total < 20000 ) select [User Link] = owneruserid, [Days Taken] = datediff(d, first_date, creationdate), owneruserid, [First vote received] = convert(varchar,first_date,102), [20k reached] = convert(varchar,creationdate,102), [Bounty Included] = bounty_included from cte where running_total >= 20000 order by datediff(d, first_date, creationdate) option (maxrecursion 32767) ; drop table #t ;