Probably Spams Users
Q&A about the site for students, teachers, and linguists wanting to discuss the finer points of the Italian language
-- Website too many times quoted by fews users -- Probably Spams Users select top 500 count( as [nQuoted] , ta.url, count(*) over (partition by ta.url) as nbQuoters, ta.uid as [User Link], reputation from ( select uid, pid , reputation, SUBSTRING ( p.urlBody, 0, CASE WHEN CHARINDEX('/', p.urlBody) > CHARINDEX('"', p.urlBody) THEN CHARINDEX('"', p.urlBody) ELSE CHARINDEX('/', p.urlBody) END ) as url from ( select SUBSTRING ( body, CHARINDEX('HTTP://', UPPER(body)) + 7, 300 ) as urlBody, as pid, as uid, users.reputation from posts inner join users on posts.owneruserid = where UPPER(body) like '%HTTP://%' and year(posts.creationdate) = 2011 and users.reputation < 1000 ) p ) as ta group by ta.url, ta.uid, reputation order by count( / (count(*) over (partition by ta.url)) desc