TSQL String Concat Testing


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Testing String Concat for http://stackoverflow.com/q/7180789/542398

Italian Language Meta

Q&A about the site for students, teachers, and linguists wanting to discuss the finer points of the Italian language

-- myQuery
-- Testing 123

DECLARE @myTable TABLE (Varchar_1 Varchar(1), Varchar_A Varchar(1), Int_3 Int)

INSERT INTO @myTable (Varchar_1, Varchar_A, Int_3)
VALUES (1,'A',3)

    Varchar_1 + Varchar_1 as 'Varchar_1 + Varchar_2'
    ,Varchar_1 + Varchar_A as 'Varchar_1 + Varchar_A'
   ,Varchar_1 + Int_3 as 'Varchar + Int_3'
   --Varchar_A + Int_3 as 'Varchar_A + Int_3'
FROM @myTable

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