Q&A about the site for students, teachers, and linguists wanting to discuss the finer points of the Japanese language
SELECT ph.CreationDate, ph.PostHistoryTypeId, p.Id AS [Post Link], concat('site://posts/', p.Id, '/revisions' ) [Revisions Link], ph.UserId AS [User Link] FROM PostHistory ph INNER JOIN Posts p ON ph.PostId=p.Id AND ph.PostHistoryTypeId IN (18,22,37,38) AND p.PostTypeId=1 ---WHERE ph.CreationDate>='##Date1##' and ph.CreationDate<='##Date2##' ORDER BY ph.CreationDate DESC --18 = Question Merged - question merged with deleted question --22 = Question Unmerged - answers/votes restored to previously merged question --37 = Post merge source --38 = Post merge destination