Q&A about the site for those who base their lives on Jewish law and tradition and anyone interested in learning more
-- 사용자 10,000명 샘플링 후 가장 긴 포스팅 간격 계산 WITH UserPostDates AS ( SELECT Posts.OwnerUserId, Posts.CreationDate FROM Posts WHERE Posts.OwnerUserId IS NOT NULL ), SampledUsers AS ( SELECT DISTINCT TOP 10000 OwnerUserId FROM UserPostDates ORDER BY OwnerUserId ), SampledUserPostDates AS ( SELECT u.OwnerUserId, p.CreationDate FROM SampledUsers u JOIN UserPostDates p ON u.OwnerUserId = p.OwnerUserId ), PostIntervals AS ( SELECT OwnerUserId, CreationDate, LEAD(CreationDate) OVER (PARTITION BY OwnerUserId ORDER BY CreationDate) AS NextPostDate FROM SampledUserPostDates ), IntervalDurations AS ( SELECT OwnerUserId, DATEDIFF(DAY, CreationDate, NextPostDate) AS IntervalDays FROM PostIntervals WHERE NextPostDate IS NOT NULL ) SELECT OwnerUserId, MAX(IntervalDays) AS MaxIntervalDays FROM IntervalDurations GROUP BY OwnerUserId ORDER BY MaxIntervalDays DESC;