Most popular replies to my comments


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Shows the highest-scoring comments to include "@yourname". Of course, people can reply to you with only part of your username, and your username can change, and other users can have the same name as you, so it's not 100% accurate.

Mathematics Meta

Q&A about the site for people studying math at any level and professionals in related fields

-- Most popular replies to my comments
-- Shows the highest-scoring comments to include "@yourname". Of course, people
-- can reply to you with only part of your username, and your username can change,
-- and other users can have the same name as you, so it's not 100% accurate.

SELECT TOP 100 Comments.PostId AS [Post Link], Users.DisplayName, Comments.Score, Comments.Text, Comments.CreationDate
FROM Comments
LEFT JOIN Users on Comments.UserID = Users.ID
WHERE Comments.Text LIKE '%@##UserName##%'
ORDER BY Comments.score DESC

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