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select top 200 q.Id as [Post Link]
from   Posts q
 q.PostTypeId = 1
 and q.OwnerUserId is not null
 and len(q.Body) <= 400
   and lower(q.Body) not like '%<ul%'
   and lower(q.Body) not like '%<ol%'
   and lower(q.Body) not like '%<blockquote%'
   and lower(q.Body) not like '%<pre%'
   and lower(q.Body) not like '%<code%'
   and lower(q.Body) not like '%<img%'
   and lower(q.Body) not like '%<h1%'
   and lower(q.Body) not like '%<h2%'
   and lower(q.Body) not like '%<h3%'
   and lower(q.Body) not like '%<h4%'
   and lower(q.Body) not like '%<h5%'
   and lower(q.Body) not like '%<h6%'
   and q.CommunityOwnedDate is null
 and q.ClosedDate is null
 and q.Score >= 5
 and (select count(*) from PostTags pt where pt.PostId = q.Id) >= 2

       and (select count(*)
            from   Posts a
            where  a.ParentId = q.Id
                   and a.PostTypeId = 2
                   and a.OwnerUserId is not null
                   and len(a.Body) <= 400
                   and lower(a.Body) not like '%<ul%'
                   and lower(a.Body) not like '%<ol%'
                   and lower(a.Body) not like '%<blockquote%'
                   and lower(a.Body) not like '%<pre%'
                   and lower(a.Body) not like '%<code%'
                   and lower(a.Body) not like '%<img%'
                   and lower(a.Body) not like '%<h1%'
                   and lower(a.Body) not like '%<h2%'
                   and lower(a.Body) not like '%<h3%'
                   and lower(a.Body) not like '%<h4%'
                   and lower(a.Body) not like '%<h5%'
                   and lower(a.Body) not like '%<h6%'
                   and a.CommunityOwnedDate is null
                   and a.Score >= 1
           ) >= 2
       and exists (select *
                   from   Posts a
                   where  a.ParentId = q.Id
                     and a.PostTypeId = 2
                     and a.OwnerUserId is not null
                     and len(a.Body) <= 400
                   and lower(a.Body) not like '%<ul%'
                   and lower(a.Body) not like '%<ol%'
                   and lower(a.Body) not like '%<blockquote%'
                   and lower(a.Body) not like '%<pre%'
                   and lower(a.Body) not like '%<code%'
                   and lower(a.Body) not like '%<img%'
                   and lower(a.Body) not like '%<h1%'
                   and lower(a.Body) not like '%<h2%'
                   and lower(a.Body) not like '%<h3%'
                   and lower(a.Body) not like '%<h4%'
                   and lower(a.Body) not like '%<h5%'
                   and lower(a.Body) not like '%<h6%'
                     and a.CommunityOwnedDate is null
                     and a.Score >= 1
                   and a.CommentCount >= 1
order by q.CreationDate desc

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