Comments about voting and reputation


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Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Meta

Q&A about the site for mechanics and DIY enthusiast owners of cars, trucks, and motorcycles

-- A query to count the number of comments with links

select count( as [Total], 
cast((select count( from comments c2 where 
c2.text like '%+1%' OR
c2.text like '%+ 1%' OR
c2.text like '%-1%' OR
c2.text like '%- 1%' OR
c2.text like '%[.,?!- ][Rr]ep[.,?!- ]%' OR
c2.text like '[Rr]ep[.,?!- ]%' OR
c2.text like '%[Rr]eputation%' OR
c2.text like '%[Uu]pvote%' OR
c2.text like '%[Dd]ownvote%' OR
c2.text like '%[Uu]p_vote%' OR
c2.text like '%[Dd]own_vote%' OR
c2.text like '[.,?!- ][Vv]ote[.,?!- ]'
AS float) / cast(count( AS float) AS [Ratio]
from comments c

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