Q&A about the site for mechanics and DIY enthusiast owners of cars, trucks, and motorcycles
DECLARE @UserId INT = ##UserId:INT?9814069## -- After editing, remove ?9814069 -- How to return Yes/No if AID=MID? SELECT TOP ##TopCount:INT?100## -- optional -- Columns q.Id AS [Post Link], qu.Id AS [User Link], q.CreationDate AS Created, q.ViewCount AS Views, q.AnswerCount AS AC, q.AcceptedAnswerId AS AID, a.Id AS MID, q.Score AS QS, a.Score AS MS, q.CommentCount AS QC, a.CommentCount AS MC, q.Tags FROM Posts a -- my answers JOIN Posts q ON a.ParentID=q.Id -- my answers' questions JOIN Users qu ON q.OwnerUserId=qu.Id -- questions' users WHERE a.OwnerUserId=@UserId -- Ideas: -- AND q.CreationDate >= '2024-01-01' -- after date incl. -- AND q.AcceptedAnswerId=a.Id -- my answer is accepted ORDER BY Views DESC, Created DESC, MS DESC, QS DESC