Q&A about the site for mechanics and DIY enthusiast owners of cars, trucks, and motorcycles
WITH posts_with_total_2_tags AS ( SELECT TOP 100 PostId, COUNT(TagId) as tag_count FROM PostTags GROUP BY PostId HAVING COUNT(TagId) = 2 ), posts_with_total_2_tags_separated AS ( SELECT *, MIN(TagId) OVER (PARTITION BY PostId) as tag_min_id, MAX(TagId) OVER (PARTITION BY PostId) as tag_max_id FROM PostTags WHERE PostId in (SELECT PostId FROM posts_with_total_2_tags) ), posts_with_total_2_tags_separated_grouped AS ( SELECT PostId, CAST(tag_min_id AS VARCHAR) + '-' + CAST(tag_max_id AS VARCHAR) as min_max_tag FROM posts_with_total_2_tags_separated GROUP BY PostId, CAST(tag_min_id AS VARCHAR) + '-' + CAST(tag_max_id AS VARCHAR) ) SELECT min_max_tag, COUNT(*) as count FROM posts_with_total_2_tags_separated_grouped GROUP BY min_max_tag