Top illuminator hopefuls


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Users that are targeting the Illuminator badge, ranked by qualifying edit count.

Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Meta

Q&A about the site for mechanics and DIY enthusiast owners of cars, trucks, and motorcycles

select AOwnerId [User Link], Count
from (select a.OwnerUserId AOwnerId,
             count(*) Count
        from Posts q 
             join Posts a on a.ParentId = q.Id
        where q.PostTypeId = 1 and 
              q.ClosedDate is null and
              a.PostTypeId = 2 and 
              a.Score >= 1 and 
              -- exclude self answered
              IsNull(q.OwnerUserId, -1) <> a.OwnerUserId and 
              exists(select 1 
                       from PostHistory ph 
                      where ph.PostHistoryTypeId in (4,5) 
                        and ph.PostId = a.ParentId 
                        and ph.UserId = a.OwnerUserId 
                        and abs(datediff(hh, ph.CreationDate, a.CreationDate)) < 12)                        
        group by a.OwnerUserId
		having count(*) >= 500) AnswerQEditor
order by Count desc

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