Q&A about the site for mechanics and DIY enthusiast owners of cars, trucks, and motorcycles
SELECT COALESCE(COUNT(DISTINCT p.ID),0) AS Questions ,COALESCE(AVG(p.Score * 1.00),0) AS AvgScore ,COALESCE(AVG(p.ViewCount * 1.00),0) AS AvgViewCount ,COALESCE(COUNT(DISTINCT p.OwnerUserId),0) AS DistinctQuestioners ,COALESCE(AVG(p.AnswerCount * 1.00),0) AS AvgAnswerCount ,COALESCE(AVG(p.CommentCount * 1.00),0) AS AvgCommentCount ,COALESCE(AVG(p.FavoriteCount * 1.00),0) AS AvgFavoriteCount ,COALESCE(AVG(u.Reputation * 1.00),0) AS AvgQuestionerReputation ,COALESCE(AVG(u.Age * 1.00),0) AS AvgQuestionerAge ,COALESCE(AVG(u.UpVotes * 1.00),0) AS AvgQuestionerUpVotes ,COALESCE(AVG(u.DownVotes * 1.00),0) AS AvgQuestionerDownVotes FROM dbo.Posts p INNER JOIN dbo.Users u ON p.OwnerUserId = u.Id WHERE p.PostTypeId = 1 AND ClosedDate IS NULL