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-- get post time of accepted answers, SELECT QuestionTime, COUNT(*) AS num FROM ( SELECT CAST(CAST(CAST(Posts.CreationDate AS time) AS varchar(2)) AS int)[AnswerTime] ,CAST(CAST(CAST(AcceptedAnswers.QuestionDate AS time) AS varchar(2)) AS int)[QuestionTime] --,Posts.CreationDate AS AnswerDateTime --,AcceptedAnswers.QuestionDate AS QuestionDateTime FROM Posts, ( SELECT AcceptedAnswerId , Id AS QuestionId , CreationDate AS QuestionDate --creation date of question --, Users.Reputation FROM Posts --INNER JOIN Users ON Posts.OwnerUserId = Users.Id WHERE AcceptedAnswerId >= 1 --good answers ----AND Score > 50 --since removal of accept rate from stackexchange ----AND CreationDate > Convert(datetime, '1 FEB 2013' ) --from expert users (it doesn't make much difference) ----AND Users.Reputation >10000 ) AS AcceptedAnswers WHERE Posts.Id = AcceptedAnswers.AcceptedAnswerId --answers posts AND DATEDIFF(hour,AcceptedAnswers.QuestionDate,Posts.CreationDate) < 1 ) AS TimesTable GROUP BY QuestionTime --,AnswerTime ORDER BY --AnswerTime ASC QuestionTime ASC