Question 2


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Musical Practice and Performance Meta

Q&A about the site for musicians, students, and enthusiasts

-- Step 1: Get the counts of posts and comments for each user
WITH PostCounts AS (
    SELECT OwnerUserId AS UserId, COUNT(*) AS PostCount
    FROM Posts
    WHERE CreationDate >= DATEADD(year, -5, GETDATE())
    GROUP BY OwnerUserId
CommentCounts AS (
    SELECT UserId, COUNT(*) AS CommentCount
    FROM Comments
    WHERE CreationDate >= DATEADD(year, -5, GETDATE())
    GROUP BY UserId

-- Step 2: Combine and aggregate counts
SELECT TOP 10 u.Id, u.DisplayName, 
       COALESCE(pc.PostCount, 0) AS PostCount, 
       COALESCE(cc.CommentCount, 0) AS CommentCount,
       (COALESCE(pc.PostCount, 0) + COALESCE(cc.CommentCount, 0)) AS TotalActivity
FROM Users u
LEFT JOIN PostCounts pc ON u.Id = pc.UserId
LEFT JOIN CommentCounts cc ON u.Id = cc.UserId
ORDER BY TotalActivity DESC;

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