experiment: draw current month's calendar using box drawing characters
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declare @columnWidth tinyint = 4 declare @startDate date, @stopDate date if ##yearsToShow:int?5## < 0 begin --negative value entered set @startDate = dateadd(year,##yearsToShow:int?5##,getdate()) set @stopDate = getdate() end else begin --positive value entered set @startDate = getdate() set @stopDate = dateadd(year,##yearsToShow:int?5##,getdate()) end declare @dt date, @firstWkDay smallint, @lastWkDay smallint declare @WkDay smallint, @WkNum smallint, @numDays smallint, @numWks smallint declare @st nvarchar(max), @st1 nvarchar(max), @st2 nvarchar(max), @monthLabel nvarchar(max) declare @charsToTrim_top int, @charsToTrim_btm int, @topBorder nvarchar(max) drawMonth: set @startdate = format(@startdate,'yyyy-MM-01') set @stopdate = eomonth(@startdate) set @numDays = day(@stopdate) set @firstWkDay = datepart(weekday,@startdate) set @lastWkDay = datepart(weekday,@stopdate) set @numWks = cast((@numDays-@lastWkDay-(8-@firstWkDay))/7 as smallint)+2 set @WkNum = 1 set @WkDay = 1 set @dt = dateadd(d,1-@firstWkDay,@startdate) set @monthLabel = format(@startdate,'MMMM yyyy') --reset @st: month name/year set @charsToTrim_top = ((@firstWkDay-1)*5)+1 set @charsToTrim_btm = ((7-@lastWkDay)*5)+1 set @topBorder = replicate(N' ',@charsToTrim_top-1)+N'╔'+replicate(N'════╦',7-@firstWkDay)+N'════╗'+char(10) --top borders set @st = @topBorder declare @Line nvarchar(30) = replicate(N'═',@columnWidth) declare @Blank nvarchar(30) = replicate(N' ',@columnWidth) while @wkNum <= @numWks --if there are weeks remaining in this month... begin --...then start a new day if @wkDay=1 --start of week begin set @st1=N'║' set @st2 = case when @wkNum<@numWks then N'╠' else N'╚' end end set @st1 = @st1 + case when month(@dt)=month(@startdate) then format(@dt,N' dd ') else N' ' end set @st2 = @st2 + N'════' if @wkday=7 --end of week begin --=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-- tidy unused cells if @wknum = 1 --first week begin set @st2 = replicate(N' ',@charsToTrim_top)+substring(@st2,@charsToTrim_top+1,999) set @st1=replace(@st1,N'║ ',N' ') set @st2=replace(@st2,N' ═',N'╬═') set @st2=replace(@st2,N' ',N'╦════') set @st2= case when @firstWkDay=1 then N'╠' else N'╔' end + substring(@st2,2,999) end if @wknum = @numWks-1 --second-to-last week begin set @st2 = left(@st2,len(@st2)-(@charsToTrim_btm-1)) if @lastwkday < 7 set @st2=@st2+N'╬'+replicate(N'════╩',7-@lastwkday-1)+N'════╝' else set @st2=@st2+N'╣' end if @wknum = @numWks --last week begin set @st1=replace(@st1,N' ║',N' ') set @st2=left(@st2,len(@st2)- (@charsToTrim_btm-1)) end set @st=@st+@st1+case when @wkday=7 and @lastwkday<7 and @wknum=@numwks then N'' else N'║' end+char(10) set @st=@st+@st2+case when @wknum=@numwks-1 then N'' when @wknum=@numwks then N'╝' else N'╣' end+char(10) set @wknum=@wknum+1 --increment week# end else begin set @st1=@st1+N'║' set @st2=@st2+case when @wkNum<@numWks then N'╬' else N'╩' end end --=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-- finished tidy; increment counters set @dt = dateadd(day,1,@dt) --finished this day, increase date set @wkday = datepart(weekday,@dt) --increment date end --=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-- print month if left(@st,len(@monthLabel))=replicate(' ',len(@monthLabel)) --optional: overlay month into 1st week if room set @st = @monthLabel + substring(@st, len(@monthLabel)+1,9999) else set @st = @monthLabel + char(10) + @st --or to center: --set @monthLabel = replicate(' ',cast(((7*5)+1-len(@monthLabel))/2 as int))+@monthLabel+char(10) --center month name print @st set @startdate = dateadd(month,1,@startdate) if @startdate < dateadd(year,##yearsToShow:int?5##,getdate()) goto drawMonth --yearsToShow:Enter the number of years to display /*╔═╦╗ ╔═╦╗ ╗ ╔╗ ║ ║║ ║ ╚╝ ║ ║║ ╠═╬╣ ╚═╦╗ ╠═╬╣ ║ ╚╝ ╚═╩╝ ╝ ╚╝ ═╝ */