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Musical Practice and Performance Meta

Q&A about the site for musicians, students, and enthusiasts

-- uid:Enter your UserId !As found in the url of your profile
with upvQ as (
  select v.creationdate
  , sum(count(*)*5)
  over (order by v.creationdate) as score
  from posts p 
  inner join votes v on v.postid =
  where v.votetypeid = 2 --UpVote
  and p.posttypeid = 1 -- Q
  and p.owneruserid = ##uid##
  group by v.creationdate)
, upvA as (
  select v.creationdate
  , sum(count(*)*10)
  over (order by v.creationdate) as score
  from posts p 
  inner join votes v on v.postid =
  where v.votetypeid = 2 --UpVote
  and p.posttypeid = 2 -- A
  and p.owneruserid = ##uid##
  group by v.creationdate)
, dwnVQA as (
  select v.creationdate
  , sum(count(*)*-2)
  over (order by v.creationdate) as score
  from posts p 
  inner join votes v on v.postid =
  where v.votetypeid = 3 --DownVote
  and p.posttypeid in (1,2) -- Q and A
  and p.owneruserid = ##uid##
  group by v.creationdate)
, accA as (
select v.creationdate
     , sum(count(*) * 15) 
     over (order by v.creationdate) as score -- every accepted answer 15 fep
  from posts p 
  inner join votes v on v.postid =
  where v.votetypeid = 1 -- Accept
  and p.posttypeid = 2 -- Answer 
  and  p.owneruserid = ##uid##
  group by  v.creationdate)
, sugedt as (
 -- suggested edit for a user
     select cast(approvaldate as date) as dateonly, 
     sum(count(*) * 2) over (order by cast(approvaldate as date)) as score
     from suggestededits
      where approvaldate is not null
      and owneruserid = ##uid## 
      group by cast(approvaldate as date))
, bounty as (
select  v.creationdate
, sum(sum( case when votetypeid =8 then bountyamount else 0 end)) 
over (order by v.creationdate) as [start] 
,sum( sum( case when votetypeid =9 then bountyamount else 0 end))
over (order by v.creationdate) as [close]
  from votes v
  inner join posts p on = v.postid 
  where votetypeid in (8,9)
  and ((p.posttypeid = 2 and votetypeid =9)
  or (p.posttypeid = 1 and votetypeid =8))
  and v.userid= ##uid##
  group by v.creationdate
select distinct 
     , upvq.score as [Upvote Question]
     , upvA.score as [Upvote Answer] 
     , dwnVQA.score as [Downvotes own Q and A]
     , accA.score as [Accepted Answers]
     , sugedt.score as [Suggested Edits]
     , bounty.start as [Bounties Started]
     , bounty.[close] as [Bounties Received]
from votes v 
left outer join upvQ on upvQ.creationdate = v.creationdate
left outer join upvA on upvA.creationdate = v.creationdate
left outer join dwnVQA on dwnVQA.creationdate = v.creationdate
left outer join accA on accA.creationdate = v.creationdate
left outer join sugedt on sugedt.dateonly = v.creationdate
left outer join bounty on bounty.creationdate = v.creationdate
where v.creationdate >= (
     select creationdate 
     from users 
     where id = ##uid##)
order by v.creationdate

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