Post Count for more than one Tag Yearly


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Select count(*) as Post_count FROM Posts p WHERE in (
select pt.PostId from PostTags pt
inner join Posts p on pt.PostId = p.Id
inner join Tags t on pt.TagId = t.Id
where p.Id in (SELECT pt.PostId from PostTags pt WHERE pt.TagId=1386)
and p.Id in (SELECT pt.PostId from PostTags pt WHERE pt.TagId=76145)
GROUP BY p.title, pt.PostId) AND p.creationdate between '2021/01/01' and '2022/01/01'

--Select * From tags Where TagName in('cpp');
-- 75599 Kotlin
-- 17 Java
-- 1386 Android
-- 115695 flutter
 -- 9 c#
 -- 80035 xamarin
 -- python 16
 --js 3
 -- react 110853
 -- kivy 76145
 -- buildozer 111535
 -- c++ 10

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