select p.OwnerUserId, avg(u.Reputation) as reputation, av...


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select p.OwnerUserId, avg(u.Reputation) as reputation, avg(u.Views) as views, avg(u.UpVotes) as upvote, avg(u.DownVotes) as downvote, min(u.CreationDate) as creation, avg(p.ViewCount) as user_qavgview_hist, avg(p.Score) as user_qavgscore_hist, avg(p.AnswerCount) as user_qavganswercount_hist, avg(p.CommentCount) as user_qavgcomment_hist, avg(p.FavoriteCount) as user_qavgfavs_hist, count(p.Id) as user_qcount_hist 
from Posts p,  PostTags pt, Users u
where p.OwnerUserId=u.Id and p.Id=pt.PostId
and ( pt.TagId=81490 or pt.TagId=82977 or pt.TagId=16712)
and p.PostTypeid=1 
and p.CreationDate>=cast('2015-03-01' as datetime) 
and p.CreationDate<=cast('2017-03-31' as datetime) 
group by p.OwnerUserId

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