SELECT top 1000 us.Id AS [User Link], sum(answers.score)...


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Poker Meta

Q&A about the site for serious players and enthusiasts of poker

SELECT  top 1000 us.Id AS [User Link], 
sum(answers.score) as score, 
(select reputation from Users where id = us.Id) as reputation, count(*) as answers
FROM Posts as questions
left JOIN Posts answers ON answers.parentid =
left join Users as us ON answers.OwnerUserId =

questions.Tags like '%<jce>%'OR
questions.Tags like '%<keystore>%'OR
questions.Tags like '%<md5>%'OR
questions.Tags like '%<openssl>%'OR
questions.Tags like '%<pbkdf2>%'OR
questions.Tags like '%<pkcs#7>%'OR
questions.Tags like '%<pkcs#11>%'OR
questions.Tags like '%<private-key>%'OR
questions.Tags like '%<public-key-encryption>%'OR
questions.Tags like '%<public-key>%'OR
questions.Tags like '%<pycrypto>%'OR
questions.Tags like '%<rijndael>%'OR
questions.Tags like '%<rsa>%'OR
questions.Tags like '%<salt>%'OR
questions.Tags like '%<sha>%'OR
questions.Tags like '%<sha1>%'OR
questions.Tags like '%<sha256>%'OR
questions.Tags like '%<smartcard>%'OR
questions.Tags like '%<x509>%'OR
questions.Tags like '%<x509certificate>%'OR
questions.Tags like '%<Xor>%'
us.Reputation > 20
and answers.PostTypeId = 2 
group by
Having count(*)>5
order by score desc

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