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-- Most popular StackOverflow Tags Last Month >= 5000 Questions SELECT postsQuestions.TagName AS Tag ,row_number() over (order by postsMonth.postsCount desc) AS Rank ,postsMonth.postsCount AS Questions FROM (SELECT COUNT(PostId) AS postsCount ,TagName FROM Tags ,PostTags ,Posts WHERE Tags.Id = PostTags.TagId AND Posts.Id = PostId AND Posts.CreationDate >= MONTH(DATEADD(MONTH, -1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) GROUP BY TagName ) AS postsMonth INNER JOIN (SELECT COUNT(PostId) AS postsQuestions ,TagName FROM Tags ,PostTags ,Posts WHERE Tags.Id = PostTags.TagId AND Posts.Id = PostId GROUP BY TagName HAVING COUNT(PostId) > 5000 ) AS postsQuestions ON postsMonth.TagName = postsQuestions.TagName ORDER BY postsMonth.postsCount DESC ;