Q&A about the site for professional robotic engineers, hobbyists, researchers and students
select u.Id as [User Link], u.Reputation, Count(b.Id) from Users u inner join Badges b on b.UserId = u.Id where u.Reputation >= 1000 and (b.Name = 'Civic Duty' or b.Name = 'Cleanup' or b.Name = 'Convention' or b.Name = 'Copy Editor' or b.Name = 'Deputy' or b.Name = 'Electorate' or b.Name = 'Enthusiast' or b.Name = 'Explainer' or b.Name = 'Illuminator' or b.Name = 'Investor' or b.Name = 'Marshal' or b.Name = 'Organizer' or b.Name = 'Quorum' or b.Name = 'Refiner' or b.Name = 'Sportsmanship' or b.Name = 'Strunk & White' or b.Name = 'Tag Editor') group by u.Id, u.Reputation order by u.Reputation desc