Questions that are closed, excluding duplicates


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Questions that are likely to need some delete votes. Duplicates should be left alone for the most part, so these are right out.

Robotics Meta

Q&A about the site for professional robotic engineers, hobbyists, researchers and students

SELECT p.Score,
       p.Id                                                                AS [Post Link],
       CASE h.Comment
         WHEN '2'  THEN 'off topic'
         WHEN '3'  THEN 'not constructive'
         WHEN '4'  THEN 'not a real question'
         WHEN '7'  THEN 'too localized'
         WHEN '10' THEN 'general reference'
         WHEN '20' THEN 'noise'
         ELSE h.Comment
       END                                                                 AS [Close Reason],
       CASE WHEN p.CommunityOwnedDate IS NOT NULL THEN 'Yes' ELSE NULL END AS Wiki,
       CASE WHEN h.UserId != -1                   THEN 'Yes' ELSE NULL END AS [Mod Closed],
       p.OwnerUserId                                                       AS [User Link]
FROM   Posts p
       INNER JOIN PostHistory h
         ON h.PostId = p.Id                   -- events pertaining to the question
            AND h.CreationDate = p.ClosedDate -- that occurred when it was closed
WHERE  p.PostTypeId = 1             -- questions
       AND p.ClosedDate IS NOT NULL -- that were closed
       AND h.PostHistoryTypeId = 10 -- and have a history entry for it
       AND h.Comment != 1           -- that says it's not a dupe

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