select pq.Title as Title, pq.Body as Question, pq.Tags as...


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Science Fiction and Fantasy Meta

Q&A about the site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts

  pq.Title as Title,
  pq.Body as Question,
  pq.Tags as QuestionTags,
  pa.Body as Answer,
  pq.Score as QuestionVotes,
  pa.Score as AnswerVotes,
  u.DisplayName as AnsweredBy,
  u.Reputation as UserReputation,
  pq.ViewCount as Question_ViewCount
from Posts pa
join Posts pq
  on pa.ParentId = pq.Id
join Users u
  on pa.OwnerUserId = u.Id
  pq.Tags = '<python>'
and pa.PostTypeId = 2 
and len(pq.Body) < 100
and len(pa.Body) < 100
/*and len(pq.Title) < 100*/

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