Date format YYYY-MM-DD example 2023-06-01 Use TagName = N/A to see all posts
Q&A about the site for information security professionals
-- Date format YYYY-MM-DD example 2023-06-01 SELECT TOP 100 Questions.Id AS [Post Link], Questions.Title, Questions.ViewCount FROM Posts AS Answers INNER JOIN Posts AS Questions ON Questions.Id = Answers.ParentId INNER JOIN Users AS Users ON Answers.OwnerUserId = Users.Id INNER JOIN PostTags ON PostTags.PostId = Answers.ParentId INNER JOIN Tags ON Tags.Id = PostTags.TagId WHERE (lower('##TagName##') = 'n/a' or Tags.TagName = Lower('##TagName##')) and Questions.CreationDate between '##BeginDate##' and '##EndDate##' GROUP BY Questions.Id, Questions.Title, Questions.ViewCount ORDER BY ViewCount DESC