Q&A about the site for system and network administrators
SELECT top 300 p.Title,p.score,p.tags,p.body,p.id,u.Reputation, b.class, p.ViewCount, p.FavoriteCount, u.UpVotes, p.AnswerCount, p.AcceptedAnswerId, LEN(p.body) as bodylength, datediff(MINUTE, p.CreationDate, a.CreationDate) as QATimeGap FROM Posts as p, Posts as a, Users as u, Badges as b where p.Tags like '%javascript%' /* p.Tags like '%string%'and p.Tags not like '%javascript%' and p.Tags not like '%c++%' and */ and p.owneruserid=u.id and p.owneruserid=b.id and p.id=a.ParentId ORDER BY rand()