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SELECT CONCAT('', p.Id) AS QuestionLink,
           WHEN p.Tags LIKE '%tensorflow%' THEN 'tensorflow'
           WHEN p.Tags LIKE '%keras%' THEN 'keras'
           WHEN p.Tags LIKE '%pytorch%' THEN 'pytorch'
           ELSE 'other'
       END AS Framework
FROM Posts p
WHERE ((p.Tags LIKE '%tensorflow%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%keras%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%pytorch%')
       AND (p.Tags LIKE '%transformer%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%bert%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%gpt%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%attention%')
       AND NOT (p.Tags LIKE '%convolutional-neural-network%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%cnn%'
                OR p.Tags LIKE '%feedforward%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%multilayer-perceptrons%'
                OR p.Tags LIKE '%rbf-network%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%lstm%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%gru%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%rnn%'))
      AND (LOWER(p.Title) NOT LIKE '%how%'
           AND LOWER(p.Title) NOT LIKE '%install%'
           AND LOWER(p.Title) NOT LIKE '%build%')
      AND p.AcceptedAnswerId IS NOT NULL
      AND p.CreationDate >= DATEADD(YEAR, -5, GETDATE())
      AND p.Score > 0
      AND p.Body LIKE '%<code>%</code>%'
      AND (
          p.Body LIKE '%IMDB%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%imdb%'
          OR p.Body LIKE '%Reuters21578%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%reuters21578%'
          OR p.Body LIKE '%Penn TreeBank%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%penn-treebank%'
          OR p.Body LIKE '%enwik8%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%enwik8%'
          OR p.Body LIKE '%Movielens%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%movielens%'
          OR p.Body LIKE '%Netflix%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%netflix%'
          OR p.Body LIKE '%BreastCancerDataset%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%breastcancerdataset%'
          OR p.Body LIKE '%WomenE-commerceDataset%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%womensecommercedataset%'
          OR p.Body LIKE '%RetailRocketDataset%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%retailrocketdataset%'
          OR p.Body LIKE '%CustomerSupportDatasetTwitter%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%customersupportdatasettwitter%'
          OR p.Body LIKE '%StockPrice%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%stockprice%'
          OR p.Body LIKE '%UnityEyes%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%unityeyes%'
          OR p.Body LIKE '%Mnist%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%mnist%'
          OR p.Body LIKE '%Glue%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%glue%'
          OR p.Body LIKE '%Cifar-10%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%cifar-10%'
          OR p.Body LIKE '%SQuAD%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%squad%'
          OR p.Body LIKE '%Fashion Mnist%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%fashion-mnist%'
          OR p.Body LIKE '%Common Crawl%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%common-crawl%'
          OR p.Body LIKE '%California Housing%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%california-housing%'
          OR p.Body LIKE '%WMT%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%wmt%'
          OR p.Body LIKE '%Speaker Recognition%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%speaker-recognition%'
          OR p.Body LIKE '%MS coco%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%ms-coco%'
          OR p.Body LIKE '%ImageNet%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%imagenet%'
          OR p.Body LIKE '%Visual Question Answering%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%visual-question-answering%'
          OR p.Body LIKE '%CT Kidney%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%ct-kidney%'
          OR p.Body LIKE '%MultiNLI%' OR p.Tags LIKE '%multinli%'

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