Computes the number of bounties awarded and the total bounty amount awarded each month, along with the number of questions asked.
Q&A about the site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems
-- Enter Query Title select Isnull(V.Year, P.Year), Isnull(V.Month, P.Month), V.Bounties, V.Amount, P.Questions FROM ( select datepart(year, Posts.CreationDate) Year, datepart(month, Posts.CreationDate) Month, count(Posts.Id) Questions from Posts where PostTypeid = 1 -- 1 = Question group by datepart(year, Posts.CreationDate), datepart(month, Posts.CreationDate) ) AS P left JOIN ( select datepart(year, Votes.CreationDate) Year, datepart(month, Votes.CreationDate) Month, count(Votes.Id) Bounties, sum(Votes.BountyAmount) Amount from Votes where VoteTypeId = 9 -- 9 = BountyAwarded group by datepart(year, Votes.CreationDate), datepart(month, Votes.CreationDate) ) AS V ON P.Year = V.Year AND P.Month = V.Month order by P.Year, P.Month