SELECT q.Id AS QuestionId, q.CreationDate AS QuestionCrea...


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User Experience Meta

Q&A about the site for user experience researchers and experts

    q.Id AS QuestionId,
    q.CreationDate AS QuestionCreationDate,
    a.Id AS AnswerId,
    a.CreationDate AS AnswerCreationDate
    Posts q, 
    Posts a
    (q.Id = a.ParentId
    AND q.PostTypeId = 1
    AND a.PostTypeId = 2
    AND DATEDIFF(second, a.CreationDate, q.CreationDate) BETWEEN -1 AND 60) OR
    (q.Id = a.ParentId
    AND q.PostTypeId = 1
    AND a.PostTypeId = 2
    AND q.OwnerUserId = a.OwnerUserId
    AND DATEDIFF(second, a.CreationDate, q.CreationDate) BETWEEN -1 AND 3600);-- OR
    --(q.PostTypeId = 1
    --AND q.Score > 10
    --AND DATEDIFF(second, a.CreationDate, q.CreationDate) BETWEEN -1 AND 60);

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