Q&A about the site for power users of web applications
SELECT uq.Id AS QuestionAuthorId, uq.DisplayName AS QuestionAuthor, q.Id as QuestionId, q.Body AS Question, ua.Id AS AnswerAuthorId, ua.DisplayName AS AnswerAuthor, a.Id AS AnswerId, a.Body AS Answer, a.Score AS AnswerScore FROM Posts AS q JOIN ( SELECT p1.Id, p1.ParentId, p1.Body, p1.OwnerUserId, p1.Score FROM Posts AS p1 WHERE p1.PostTypeId = 2 ) AS a ON q.Id = a.ParentId JOIN Users AS uq ON q.OwnerUserId = uq.Id JOIN Users AS ua ON a.OwnerUserId = ua.Id WHERE q.PostTypeId = 1 AND a.Id = q.AcceptedAnswerId AND q.Tags LIKE '%<java>%' ORDER BY a.Score DESC;