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WITH TagDownvoteMetrics AS ( SELECT Tags.Id AS TagId, Tags.TagName, SUM(CASE WHEN Posts.Score < 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS DownvotedPosts, COUNT(Posts.Id) AS TotalPosts FROM Tags INNER JOIN PostTags ON Tags.Id = PostTags.TagId INNER JOIN Posts ON PostTags.PostId = Posts.Id WHERE PostTypeId = 1 -- only questions GROUP BY Tags.Id, Tags.TagName HAVING COUNT(Posts.Id) > 1000 -- consider only tags with more than 1000 associated questions to ensure high activity ) SELECT TOP 10 TagName, DownvotedPosts AS NumberOfDownvotedPosts, TotalPosts AS TotalNumberOfPosts, CAST(DownvotedPosts AS FLOAT) / TotalPosts AS DownvoteRatio FROM TagDownvoteMetrics ORDER BY DownvoteRatio DESC; -- Highest downvote ratio first