Q&A about the site for power users of web applications
DECLARE @MyUserId int = ##UserId:int?45339##; --DECLARE @MyUserId int = 45339; DECLARE @SiteUrl nvarchar(50) = 'https://cooking.stackexchange.com'; DECLARE @Crlf nchar(2) = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10); WITH PostInfo AS( SELECT QuestionId = q.Id, QuestionCharId = CONVERT(nvarchar(10),q.Id), [Post Link] = q.Id, QuestionDate = q.CreationDate, QuestionText = q.Body, QuestionAsker = COALESCE(qu.DisplayName, q.OwnerDisplayName), AskerId = qu.Id, AskerCharId = CONVERT(nvarchar(10),qu.Id), AnswerDate = a.CreationDate, AnswerText = a.Body, QuestionLicense = q.ContentLicense, AnswerLicense = a.ContentLicense, PostTitle = q.Title FROM Posts AS a JOIN Posts AS q ON a.ParentId = q.Id LEFT JOIN Users AS qu ON q.OwnerUserId = qu.Id WHERE a.OwnerUserId = @MyUserId ) SELECT p.PostTitle, PostBody = N'_This question originally asked on [The Stack Exchange Network](' + @SiteUrl + N'/q/' + p.QuestionCharId + ')._' + @Crlf + @Crlf + N'_By: [' + p.QuestionAsker + N'](' + @SiteUrl + N'/u/' + p.AskerCharId + ')]' + @Crlf + N'<br><hr>' + @Crlf + N'### Q: ' + p.PostTitle + @Crlf + p.QuestionText + @crlf + N'<br><br>' + @Crlf + N'### Answer ' + @Crlf + p.AnswerText FROM PostInfo AS p;