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select TagName, ( select count(TagName) from Tags join PostTags on PostTags.TagId = Tags.Id join Posts on Posts.Id = PostTags.PostId where Posts.CreationDate > DATEADD(year, -6, GetDate()) and Posts.CreationDate < DATEADD(year, -5, GetDate()) and TagName = allTheTags.TagName group by Tags.TagName ) as '2008', ( select count(TagName) from Tags join PostTags on PostTags.TagId = Tags.Id join Posts on Posts.Id = PostTags.PostId where Posts.CreationDate > DATEADD(year, -5, GetDate()) and Posts.CreationDate < DATEADD(year, -4, GetDate()) and TagName = allTheTags.TagName group by Tags.TagName ) as '2009', ( select count(TagName) from Tags join PostTags on PostTags.TagId = Tags.Id join Posts on Posts.Id = PostTags.PostId where Posts.CreationDate > DATEADD(year, -4, GetDate()) and Posts.CreationDate < DATEADD(year, -3, GetDate()) and TagName = allTheTags.TagName group by Tags.TagName ) as '2010', ( select count(TagName) from Tags join PostTags on PostTags.TagId = Tags.Id join Posts on Posts.Id = PostTags.PostId where Posts.CreationDate > DATEADD(year, -3, GetDate()) and Posts.CreationDate < DATEADD(year, -2, GetDate()) and TagName = allTheTags.TagName group by Tags.TagName ) as '2011', ( select count(TagName) from Tags join PostTags on PostTags.TagId = Tags.Id join Posts on Posts.Id = PostTags.PostId where Posts.CreationDate > DATEADD(year, -2, GetDate()) and Posts.CreationDate < DATEADD(year, -1, GetDate()) and TagName = allTheTags.TagName group by Tags.TagName ) as '2012', ( select count(TagName) from Tags join PostTags on PostTags.TagId = Tags.Id join Posts on Posts.Id = PostTags.PostId where Posts.CreationDate > DATEADD(year, -1, GetDate()) and TagName = allTheTags.TagName group by Tags.TagName ) as '2013' from Tags allTheTags where allTheTags.TagName like 'windows-phone' order by allTheTags.TagName