select top (50) * from posts; select top (50) * from users;


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Web Applications Meta

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select top (50) * from posts;
select top (50) * from users;

--section 5- 5.	For each user, determine whether he accessed the system in the last
--60 days. Display the user’s id, DisplayName, and the value ‘Active’ / ‘Not Active’
--according to the user’s last access date. Display only the 200 with the latest
--access dates.

--select top (200) Id,Displayname,LastAccessDate,
-- case
--  when LastAccessDate > (cast(getdate()-60 as date)) then 'Active'
--  else 'Not Active'
-- end as 'Activity'
--from users
--order by LastAccessDate desc;

--section 6- 6.	Find all of the users which their posts in a specific year
--got more than 10 answers in total. Display the user’s display name,
--the relevant year and the cumulative number of answers the user received
--during this year.

select OwnerDisplayName,year(CreationDate) as 'Year',
sum(AnswerCount) as 'Yearly total answers'
from posts
group by OwnerDisplayName,year(CreationDate)
having sum(AnswerCount) > 10;

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