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The Workplace Meta

Q&A about the site for members of the workforce navigating the professional setting

SELECT  --p.Id, 
        'https://stackoverflow.com/q/' + CAST(p.Id AS NVARCHAR(250)) as [PostLink], 
        p.Tags as [PostTags], 
        p.ViewCount as [PostViews], 
        p.Score as [PostScore], 
        p.CreationDate as [PostCreationDate], 
        u.LastAccessDate as [LastSeen],
        'https://stackoverflow.com/users/' + CAST(u.Id AS VARCHAR(11)) AS [UserLink],
        u.DisplayName as [User],

FROM  Posts as p
INNER JOIN PostTags as pt ON p.Id = pt.PostId
INNER JOIN Tags as t ON pt.TagId = t.Id
INNER JOIN Users as u ON p.OwnerUserId = u.Id
WHERE t.TagName IN ('machine-learning')
  -- AND p.AnswerCount = 0
  AND p.PostTypeId  = 1        -- PostTypeId = 1 -> Question
  AND p.AcceptedAnswerId is null
  AND p.CommunityOwnedDate is null
  AND p.ClosedDate         is null
  --AND p.ViewCount > 100
  --AND u.Reputation > 500
  --AND p.LastActivityDate > '2019-01-01'
  --AND p.CreationDate > '2015-08-01'
  AND u.LastAccessDate > '2019-01-01'
  --AND p.ViewCount >10
  --AND u.AboutMe LIKE '%@gmail%'
  AND (u.WebsiteUrl LIKE '%github.com%' OR u.WebsiteUrl LIKE '%linkedin.com%')
ORDER by p.CreationDate DESC, u.LastAccessDate      DESC;

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