Percentage of closed questions per tag


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The Workplace Meta

Q&A about the site for members of the workforce navigating the professional setting

; with tagstats_cte as
t.TagName AS TagName,
Count(q.Id) AS QuestionCount,
Count(q.ClosedDate) AS ClosedCount
FROM Posts q
  INNER JOIN PostTags pt ON q.Id = pt.PostId
  INNER JOIN Tags t ON pt.TagId = t.Id
WHERE (q.PostTypeId = 1)
  AND (q.CreationDate >= '##Date1?2010-01-01##') AND (q.CreationDate <= '##Date2?2020-01-01##')
GROUP BY t.TagName

  ROUND((CAST(ClosedCount AS decimal))*100.0/(CAST(QuestionCount AS decimal)),2) AS percentage,
  ClosedCount, QuestionCount
FROM tagstats_cte
WHERE QuestionCount>=##num?1000##
ORDER BY ROUND((CAST(ClosedCount AS decimal))*100.0/(CAST(QuestionCount AS decimal)),2) DESC

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