Q&A about the site for members of the workforce navigating the professional setting
; with revisions_cte as ( SELECT DISTINCT p.Id AS pid, ph1.Id AS phId FROM PostHistory ph1 INNER JOIN Posts p ON ph1.PostId=p.Id WHERE ph1.PostHistoryTypeId in (3,6,9) and ((ph1.Text Like '%<##tag1?abstract-algebra##>%') OR (ph1.Text Like '%<##tag2?discrete-mathematics##>%') OR (ph1.Text Like '%<##tag3?geometry##>%') OR (ph1.Text Like '%<##tag4?topology##>%')) and NOT((p.Tags Like '%<##tag1##>%') OR (p.Tags Like '%<##tag2##>%') OR (p.Tags Like '%<##tag3##>%') OR (p.Tags Like '%<##tag4##>%')) ), firstrev_cte AS (SELECT pid, MIN(ph2.Id) as MinId FROM revisions_cte INNER JOIN PostHistory ph2 ON ph2.PostId=pid WHERE (ph2.Id>phId) AND ph2.PostHistoryTypeId in (3,6,9) AND NOT((ph2.Text Like '%<##tag1?abstract-algebra##>%') OR (ph2.Text Like '%<##tag2?discrete-mathematics##>%') OR (ph2.Text Like '%<##tag3?geometry##>%') OR (ph2.Text Like '%<##tag4?topology##>%')) GROUP BY pid ), users_cte AS (SELECT PostId AS pid, UserId AS uid, UserDisplayName AS udn FROM PostHistory INNER JOIN firstrev_cte ON PostHistory.Id=MinId) SELECT COUNT(pid) AS Count, uid AS [User Link], udn FROM users_cte GROUP BY uid, udn ORDER BY COUNT(pid) DESC